Ron Knight
When renowned voice talent Ron Knight (CBS, HBO, Nickelodeon, The Travel Channel, ABC Sports) built his studio he wanted the tranquil views of the water his location provided but feared the close proximity of the San Diego International airport.
“The Platinum Series, double-walled and insulated sound booth is a champ! You could hear the airliners arriving every 10 minutes in the building, and in the studio room; but never once on the hard drive recording of our vocal tracks,” Ron Knight said adding that there were many times he would record a voice over in Pro Tools, track some acoustic guitar and even percussion. “Though you could hear the ambient jet liners in the room itself outside the booth, the isolation was good enough to never hear ambient rumble, low frequencies, jet engine noise, or sky scraper cross-over anywhere in a recorded track. We feel we made a fine investment. This booth cuts to the chase on an extraordinary acoustic demand.”
He Got
Platinum Series VocalBooth Why He Rocks He believes. He trusted us and thankfully we were able to deliver. Now he can record with confidence look at his bay view and ignore the planes.
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